David Buechler
   David Buechler received an MS in physics and mathematics in 1958 from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.  He taught at UWM, at Marquette University in Milwaukee, and has lectured at UCLA and Maryland University.  He worked on a radar map matching system at Goodyear Aircraft, the Apollo star-tracking guidance system at Delco Electronics, the AMRAAM and other missile guidance units at Northrop, the Titan II ICBM guidance system at Delco Electronics, and its replacement with the Carousel IV Rivet Hawk guidance system.  He designed a mobile van for recalibration of the Titan II guidance unit while in the missile silos. He developed a redundant guidance unit for Boeing drones using a dodecahedron configuration with six gyros and six accelerometers.  He was principle engineer for the GPS/laser guidance unit for B2’s GATS/GAM at Northrop, which was the development phase for the JDAM weapon system. He managed its performance analysis during weapon system testing at Edwards AFB using the B2 bomber and 2,000 pound bombs fitted with the GPS aided laser inertial systems and bomb control fins.
   Dave is a Lutheran and has been an elder in several Lutheran congregations throughout the country.  Being personal observations regarding the bible and science, the concepts presented herein are not endorsed nor professed by any known established church body.  It is the intent that both Christians and scientists will see the truth in this paradigm and consider it worthy of further analysis, with the hope that more Christians may eventually be able to better share their unique insights regarding creation and human life to the scientific community.

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